Pladask Elektrisk

DRADD - Pladask Elektrisk

DRADD is an effect processor and Eurorack module that uses time stratching and granular sythesis and can create some nice and colorful ambiance to your patch.

This one is unfortunately out of stock!

Please send us an e-mail [email protected]

Hopefully we kan make an back order and you will have it in one or two weeks.


Information: The Dradd is out of stock at the manufacture. Hopefully they will make a new batch late 2025!

Dradd  - Pladask Elektrisk

An Experimental Effect Module for your Eurorack

DRADD is an experimental time-based audio processor for the eurorack system.

The module can stretch, bend and invert time through granular synthesis, modified sample playback and tapped delay lines. Intended as a tool for adding synthetic and unnatural ambiance/coloration to your synth patches.

There is two versions, one with the patchbay in the bottom and this one the "Inverted" where the patchbay is in the top.


Width: 10HP
Max dept: 28mm
Current draw: 
+12V: 150mA
-12V: 50mA
+5V: 0mA

Manual for DRADD (pdf)