
Shakmat Archers Rig - Spot-om Hats!

Shakmat Modular Archers Rig - Spot-on Hats! Features Hybrid analog/digital architecture hi-hat module with a wide range of sounds.


Shakmat Modular 

Archers Rig - Spot-on Hats!


• Hybrid analog/digital architecture hi-hat module
• Wide range of sounds including classic and innovative hi-hats, shakers, bells…
• Digital audio generator combining 13 source algorithms and 9 audio effects
• Analog process chain including a VCF, a VCA, a distortion and a lo cut filter
• Open and closed hat played exclusively
• Random source with independant amount for each parameter
• Dynamic phrasing through velocity input
• Non volatile memory of 96 presets with CV and Select Bus recall
• Djtechtools rubber injected knobs
• Skiff friendly
• 8 hp wide

The Archer's Rig boasts a quiver full of digital noise generation algorithms, offering sharp and cutting sound sources for hi-hat and high-pitched percussion synthesis. As our archer has more than one string to its bow, he processes its source material through a versatile analog chain featuring filters, distortion, and a VCA. Randomizer, a memory of 96 presets, and compatibility with select bus protocol round out the Archer's capabilities, making it a powerful tool for creating a vast and personalized sonic palette.

Shakmat Modular - Archers Rig User Manual (PDF)