SEOK - PHASES A Phase Shifting Clock Divider

SEOK PHASES - A Phase Shifting Clock Divider for creating rythm to your Eurorack and modular setup. A clock divider with four outputs for each division: 0, 90,



PHASES from Swedish Manufacture SEOK

A Phase Shifting Clock Divider

This is a special yet simple divider with four outputs for each division: 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees, effectively shifting signals in the time domain. 

The 0 and 180-degree outputs are always available via the upper outputs, while the 90 and 270-degree phases can be selected using two rotary switches. 

At the bottom of the module, there’s an additional divider capable of handling more irregular divisions, though without phase shifting.


Dimensions: Eurorack standard 8 hp
Depth: 28mm 

Current Draw
+12v 21mA
-12v 4mA
+5v 0mA

Powercable and screws are always included.


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